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Thank you for your interest in HRC Houston

HRC Houston is a diverse, dedicated team that uses our experience and talents to develop a more affirming, inclusive, and equitable community.


With support from our community and volunteers, through fundraisers and donations, we aim to create impactful change and a better world for all. 



Fighting for equality means we can’t afford to let anyone fall through the cracks. We work locally, nationally and globally on issues that affect the LGBTQ+ community. HRC Houston partners with all demographics, industries and governments to provide leadership to back up pro-equality statements with real action — and create a society where none of us is left behind.


While HRC Houston operates on a local scale, we are a part of a much bigger picture. As a part of a national organization, we empower 3 million members and supporters to mobilize against attacks on the most marginalized people in our community.

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